When story ideas hit home, major media outlets are quick to respond.

That was the case recently, when an idea from a Lenz PR team weekly meeting made it all the way to Good Day Atlanta on Fox 5, with a three-minute segment on the dangers high heels pose to women’s health.Following the meeting, Lenz PR Director Ryan Klee contacted reporter Beth Galvin at Fox 5, who jumped on the story that she called, “The High Price of High Heels.”

Dr. Gary Stewart at Resurgens Orthopaedics was the ideal practice spokesman. Not only did he locate a patient willing to discuss her foot problems (the most crucial element to human interest stories such as this), he pulled foot X-rays that showed the damage high heels can do to women’s feet, and even brought in a part of his wife’s shoes for the interview.

Telling viewers that foot pain due to high heels is the No. 1 complaint he hears from patients, Dr. Stewart outlined the structural damage heels can cause. His recommendation: “If you must wear high heels, use them sparingly.”

Dr. Stewart, whose areas of expertise include surgery of the foot and ankle, practices at the Morrow and Henry offices of Resurgens Orthopaedics.

Klee said while the story required a lot of time to coordinate, it truly paid off for the practice with the segment that aired three times during sweeps week on March 1.